Drop off your compost right in your neighborhood!
The City of Cleveland is excited to announce the launch of composting services in partnership with Rust Belt Riders, a locally owned commercial and residential composting business. The Food Scrap Drop-Off Composting Program is funded through a federal grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), aiming to enhance food waste landfill diversion efforts and support the City’s broader climate and sustainability goals by increasing access to food waste composting across municipal services.
Residents interested in food waste composting services can enroll for $12 per month, making it affordable and easy. This paid enrollment gives residents the flexibility to bring food scrap composting materials to any of the established drop-off locations with Rust Belt Riders. Additionally, to ensure income does not limit participation, the City will offer 250 free memberships for SNAP-eligible households.
As part of this initiative, Cleveland is taking important steps to keep food waste out of landfills, where it would otherwise release methane – a harmful greenhouse gas. Composting food scraps helps reduce these emissions and creates nutrient-rich compost, which can be used to enrich soil in community gardens, parks, and other green spaces.
These new sites established with the USDA grant funds were selected to ensure equitable access to drop-off composting infrastructure, aligning with the City’s 15-minute city index for maximum geographic and population coverage. The new drop-off sites will be located at several neighborhood resource and recreation centers and community development corporations in the following neighborhoods: Lee-Harvard, Mt. Pleasant, Fairfax, Hough, Glenville, Slavic Village, and Bellaire-Puritas, with three more neighborhoods to be chosen in 2025. To promote inclusivity and ensure all residents can participate in composting services, the City aims to eliminate financial barriers to composting, allowing more residents to engage in sustainable practices. Interested individuals can find more information about SNAP eligibility here.
Rust Belt Riders is also providing free finished compost soil to food producers located in the City of Cleveland, through soil produced by them under the name Tilth Soil. If you want to take advantage of this resource, please fill out this form to learn if you are eligible and indicate your interest.
For more program information or assistance, call 216-800-4651 ext. 2 or email info@rustbeltriders.com.
Partners in this effort include the City of Cleveland – Mayor’s Office of Sustainability & Dept. of Public Works, Rust Belt Riders, Rid-All Green Partnership, the Cuyahoga County Solid Waste District, and Ohio Means Jobs.
Enroll today!

Click below to learn more about the program, view all the Rust Belt Riders drop off sites, and start your composting journey.